Tudawe Children Development Center has well established Library which developed time to time based on the contribution from knowledge lover. Our library consist of around 1000 books which combine the knowledge,literature,history with entertainment.There are books from Sinhala ,English language arranged in to educational ,novels ,short stories ,child books and Buddhist books.
Currently Library is maintained under the supervision of Mrs Sanjewa Priyanthi .She encouraged to update the knowledge of the library annually by adding new books based on the donations.All the donors who contributed for books has to be credited for the support they have provided to improve the education of the girls.Following essay written by girl describing her valuable Library.
Library is one among the places where knowledge in the world stored. The Library we having in our Children Home provide valuable opportunity to gain lots of knowledge.
Our little library is arranged in a way that there are reading materials available from youngest sisters to eldest sisters based on their age.
It’s proud to me, that our Library will create a path to generate valuable citizens in the future with numerous skills in Education, Languages, Buddhism, and Art.
Library has developed over the past based on the donors who love to improve the knowledge parrel to aesthetic knowledge of the girls. A lot of girls make their life successful based on their knowledge in the library and all of them thanks all contributors to the library from the bottom of their hearts.
Contribute with books you have,It will make them wiser and there future better.
A Photo taken at the early start up of the Library.